
Be a catalyst for change with Zero Waste Victoria. We’re revolutionising the way we think about waste, advocating for policies that make a real impact.

Enhancing policies

Zero Waste Victoria passionately advocates for transformative waste minimisation and reuse policies at local, state, and federal levels. We’re committed to driving impactful change and creating a sustainable future for all. Join us in pushing for a world where waste is minimised and resources are valued and continuously reused.

Reducing waste

Reducing waste goes beyond individual effort. It requires systemic change across all levels of government and business practices.

At Zero Waste Victoria, we’re dedicated to informing, inspiring and driving this transformation. We actively engage in vital conversations on waste and recycling to advocate for policies and practices which enable a sustainable and waste-free future.

Advocacy achievements

Zero Waste Victoria has made submissions to government inquiries and reviews including: 

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